In June I entered a program called New Wave at the University of New South Wales focused on entrepreneurship (for graduates and students). I learnt much and also had the opportunity to pitch the Alianza … Opportunities and BiostatisticsRead more
ted talk tips
My first online speaking engagement
I have been invited to speak at a worldwide online summit (conference called INSIGHT into Parkinson’s 2020. I am honoured and have been thinking about what could encourage others with Parkinson’s Disease. I am preparing … My first online speaking engagementRead more
TED Talk Tips – plus change of blog name to Handstand for Parkinson’s
I really love TED talks and I found a book on a friend’s shelf “How to deliver a TED talk”. I quickly asked to borrow it. I have always enjoyed public speaking and inspired by … TED Talk Tips – plus change of blog name to Handstand for Parkinson’sRead more