I have been working on research one night in the middle of the night as it is quiet and easier to focus and I was just about to hop into bed when I spotted a reminder for a meeting that was just about to start with the World Parkinson’s Ambassadors and Eli Pollard – executive Director.

Since moving to Australia I don’t get along to many of these international meetings as they fall at 3am Australia time. This time I was wake and I stayed for a wonderful meeting. Considering the WPC now has many ambassadors that were ambassadors who are not active ambassadors for the next conference  to be held in Phoenix. They are looking at choosing the new ambassadors now… as applications have closed recently.

It has been decided that we can call ourselves Alumni WPC ambassadors as many of us are very involved in the congress ongoing but happy to let others have the opportunity to be Ambassadors for Phoennix 2026.

I need to change all my  social media little by little.

I don’t usully get up fro 3am meetings … especially if I have to work the next day – but this night I made an exception.

Getting up for 3am call? No way….

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