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Quit Swimming

Yesterday I quit swimming. I have been doing classes since December and I got the backstroke and I have been improving my freestyle form. But the last few weeks I was getting more and more frustrated. I’m feeling I am putting too much pressure on myself and my skills are getting worse rather than better.

I knew how to ‘swim’ before the classes but they have been teaching me the right way to do it. I have progressed a lot but it turns out I am missing one item on the checklist to move to intermediate level – that is swim 25 metres. Why? I don’t get enough breath so I only get about half way along the 25 m pool before I have to stop. I know what I am doing wrong but trying and trying isn’t fixing it. It is just getting me upset. Sometimes little hacks help like “chin on your chest” but I still can’t do it all together yet.

I am going to swim on my own when the kids have lessons instead. Also I have decided to try just breathing on one side and see if that helps as I believe I could do that.

Quitting gives me time to do what I want to do. Today I joined a PD class and met some enthusiastic Parkies who I think would be great chaps to build a community with – It is terrible to be alone. I also need more time to do gymnastics and now I’m going to make this a bigger priority. I miss my gym in Peru but I’m sure with time I’ll figure out the plan and in the interim ‘Just keep moving!’

Have you ever had to quit something to get over a blockage or to find time for your true love?

One thought on “Quit Swimming

  1. FYI, there’s a bunch of research showing that PwP are at risk of drowning. Swimming skills deteriorate. It’s not just YOU.

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